Saturday, July 31, 2010

Funny Things I Do (2)

Putting wooden coasters on plastic coasters...

Dressing up my Snoopies with my own clothes...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Only One New Jigsaw Puzzle (40 pieces)

That time (about a week ago)... it was after we had popiah at See-yee-poh's house (where I also met Tua-ku-kong and Grand Auntie Carol for the first time)... I was playing with cousin ZK's jigsaw puzzles and could do them quite well even though I haven't played with them before and I haven't played with any jigsaw puzzles in a while... Mommy noticed my interest in jigsaw puzzles and decided to buy me more puzzles...

The first jigsaw puzzle I had was more than a year ago (before I was 2 years old)!!

With my completed 12-piece jigsaw puzzle when I was about 21 months old...

And the only other jigsaw puzzles I have later on (from Poh-poh) are these...

Easy 3, 4, 5 and 6-piece puzzles...

Actually Daddy bought me 4 jigsaw puzzles last Saturday at Tesco. Unfortunately, whilst loading the stuff into the car, he missed them and left them in the trolley. We went back to look for them, but they were gone! I was disappointed and Daddy felt really bad, then Mommy promised to buy me a new one on Monday and she did yesterday. But she only bought ONE. Aiya, this Mommy ah! She said this was the only nicest one left. Sigh. Anyway, look at my new jigsaw puzzle below...

Land Animals 40-piece puzzle... Nice one hor...

Playing with my new jigsaw puzzle...

I love my new jigsaw puzzle... I want to play with it again and again!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Sandwich Day

Mommy's lazy to cook day = Sandwich day...

Aamm... mm... mm... what is this?

It's my lunch. An egg mayo sandwich with some red and green lettuce between 2 slices of butter scotch bread...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Baby - Bobo

Nowadays, I like playing "mommy and baby". Today, my baby is Bobo...

"Pong Bobo mat seefat, mat min..." (help Bobo to wipe his backside, face...)

My baby...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Suk-suk's ROM Day

It is Suk-suk's registration of marriage day. Of course, lots of photos were taken today, but I was very, very camera-shy! I had my head or back turned at every shot. No amount of persuasion could make me face the camera, as you can see...

... except these two...

Posing right after Suk-suk and Ah-sam registered...

Showing off my dress by swinging it about whilst walking down the stairs just before we left the place...

... and this quick candid shot taken by Mommy...

Go away... I don't want any photos taken!!

I don't know why I just don't like having my picture taken by others (or with others or when there are others watching). Earlier this morning, I was alright with Mommy taking pictures of me. See...

Being quite cheerful at 7am...

Posing for Mommy's camera at Mah-mah's house...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lion Water Bottle

Introducing my new water bottle... my elephant one is 'rosak' already...

"Leanne's lion bottle"...

Mommy bought it for me from Jusco. It's very cute. I like it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Yummy Scott's Emulsion

I have been taking the Scott's Emulsion cod liver oil for, i think, about 3 months now and I still like it...

Yum... yum...

It's good... good... gooooood....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Doctor Leanne

Guess what I am doing?

Yes, that's right. I am playing doctor-doctor...

You see, I got gifts from Ku-Cheh again!

A doctor set...

And a cute 'Hello Kitty' headband...

I have become "Doctor Leanne" since yesterday when I received my gifts...

Bobo needs a checkup...

Bear-bear needs a checkup too...

Thank you again for the gifts, Ku-cheh!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Piano: Playing C and B

After learning how to play the notes C and D with my right hand, Mommy taught me how to play C and B with my left hand...

The page in my music book...

Busy practising... and composing a noisy music... hehe...

Tracing the Letter 'J'

Mommy only just started to teach me how to write the letters of the alphabet. She bought me a writing book quite some time ago to help me get started. Before this, I only know how to write the letters "I", "O", "A" and "H". The book teaches how to both trace and write all the letters...
Today, I started tracing the letter 'J' all by myself (without being asked) and I did it quite well. Mommy and Daddy were very surprised...

Busy tracing the letter 'J'...

Not bad for a first-timer lah hor...

Wipe Here, Wipe There

I see Mommy clean the table very often. I am a copycat, so I sometimes do the same after I have finished my snacks at the table...

Wipe here, wipe there...

Souvenirs from Vietnam

Daddy had to go to Vietnam for work. So he was away for one night and he came back last night with souvenirs for Mommy and me...

Souvenirs from Vietnam...

I was pleasantly surprised to find a little cute bag for me hanging at the door when I woke up this morning...

I love my bag! Thank you, Daddy....