Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Cap, Small World

This red cap is from Aunty Komi. She works at the same company as Daddy's. They bumped into each other during Daddy's first week there. What a small world!

Long Beans

Mommy introduced long beans into my diet today. I had them with my eggs and broccoli. Much to her relief, I didn't spit them out. But I did take a long time to chew and finish my meal. Well, that's not unusual, anyway...

Things on the Dinning Table

Mommy thought that she could keep things from my reach by putting them on the dinning table. Boy, was she mistaken!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunglasses Are Cool

I look like a bee!

Do I look cool or what?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Visit from Ah-Gung

Ah Gung visited us today. They brought me a set of lego. Yeay! Again I played a good host by entertaining them and also played football with Ah Gung as I did with Poh-poh when she visited earlier this month.

p/s I just heard that Dee Kim Poh passed away this morning... :(

Shoes and Bears

See... my shoes...

See... my bears... they are sleeping. Shhhh....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Swimming @ KL Hilton

We visited my cousins Alyssa and Nathan at KL Hilton. Their parents have a room there for the night. I haven't seen them for quite some time since their last visit back from Melbourne early this year. Mommy has been telling me about them, so I have been anticipating this visit. As I didn't have my afternoon nap, I fell asleep in the car. When we arrived, they were already swimming in the pool. Although still a little sleepy, I quickly agreed to join them when Mommy asked if I wanted to...

Alyssa and I by the pool.

We had a splashing time...

Splash! Splash!

This was only my second time at a swimming pool. The first time was at the 'palace'. So, initially, I would just sit on the brink and not go into the water. Slowly, I tried walking around in the water...

Okay, steady... let's talk a walk in the pool...

After that, I also braved myself and sat in the water...

Look, Mommy! I am sitting in the water... It's so cooooold....

Hey, look at my toes emerging from under the water... Hehehe...

After a while, I also started crawling in it. I saw some girls doing this, so I decided to copy them. If you do not already know, I am a real copy cat!

Crawling in the water... This is fun!!

I was really enjoying myself that when it was time to leave, I had to be carried away kicking and screaming. Back at the hotel room, after a shower, I made myself comfy and jumped into the big bed...

Watching TV with Nathan...

I was quite a fussypot as usual or you can say I am a real 'kiasu'. This was quite apparent twice. First, I wouldn't let Nathan sit on the bed to watch TV. Second, when they ordered fish and chips, I wanted some too. I don't like or eat them before. But seeing them eat, I wanted or rather demanded for some chips too. I kept whining when Mommy wouldn't let me have any but Mei-yi-yi and yi-cheong were very kind and let me have as many helpings as I liked. Good thing I didn't eat that much but I nearly wanted to try the fish too. Daddy and Mommy felt so embarassed with my conduct. So David-yee-cheong said to them "Don't worry, just enjoy your kid".

Gifts from the family...

Thank you!!! I love the books. When I first saw the cockatoo, I exclaimed "Oooh... bird bird so cute er...!"

Putting On Shoes

I love shoes. When I see shoes, I love to put them on. See, even if they are too big for me, I cannot resist putting them on...

Wearing a pair of shoes 2 or 3 sizes too big for me...

Not long ago, Lily-yi-yi gave me a few pairs of shoes. They were Chloe's but still very new. I like to put them on myself without help. See, I have a basket full of shoes...

Give me any pair of shoes and I can put them on myself. I can also put on my Minnie mouse shoes and buckle up without help, as I have been practising and practising...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Singing the ABC (Take 4)

Mommy just can't have enough of my singing. So here's another video...

See take 2 & 3 here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saying "Fine, Thank you"

Mommy wasn't expecting a correct reply when she asked me "How are you?", but I replied by saying "Fine, thang kut". So what do you think happened next? She grabbed her camera and asked me again and again...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Nights Away

Daddy and Mommy went to Cherating without me today. They wanted to take me along and even packed my bags last night. However, at the last minute, they changed their mind again. They have long planned this holiday and wanted the needed time off together. Well, they will only be away for 2 nights. So, just before they left, I gave them my sweetest kisses...


Moooch... I'll miss you... (or maybe not! hehe...)

Helping with the Laundry Again

Hmm, who hung these?

Me! I know it is not perfect, but I think it is better than the last time. I like helping Mommy with the laundry. I like to help hang the clothes or pass her the hangers.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Book Lover

I love books! Sometimes I would bury my head in them (literally)...

Fun @ Sunway Pyramid

I had fun at the Sunway Pyramid today. Mommy and Daddy let me play at an indoor playground there. There were quite a number of other children there. Big ones and little ones. I was knocked over by one little girl and cried. But that didn't stop me from continuing to play there. I almost didn't want to leave...

Then, I saw these cute animal rides. They are almost taller than me...

Daddy said I could ride on the smaller ones. He let me choose which animal I wanted to ride on. At first, I chose the elephant...

But quickly changed my mind and wanted to ride the bright pink cat instead...

I was so fascinated by it that I just sat on it quietly. I didn't even know how to steer it. Daddy has to help me...

Too bad Mommy didn't bring her camera. So she took these photos and video using her phone. The resolution is not so good and there was insufficient memory to take more pictures or videos which she would have liked to...

French Bunnies

When I first saw these 'French bunnies' (bunny shaped french toast), I was delighted. However, I took a bite and that was it. I didn't want any more. I also didn't finish the scrambled eggs. It is just not easy to get me to try 'new' food. I'd rather just eat plain rice...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Melaka Zoo

Daddy has 2 weeks off before he starts his new job. We were supposed to visit the rabbits at Bukit Tinggi and the animals at the Melaka Zoo. Due to unforseen circumstances, we only went to the Zoo. It was a one-day trip.

When we arrived at the Zoo, it rained very heavily. We sat and waited at the tramp station for about an hour before the rain finally stopped. Whilst we were waiting, I could see the zebras and the ponies from afar. I kept calling out to the ponies, "Oooh... oooh, pony! Pony!". So that was one of the first animals I went to see there...

Hello pony!! Nice to meet you!... Oh, please don't come too close...

Yes, Daddy. I am happy. Let's go see more animals!

I noticed that there are many deers in this zoo. In the Zoo Negara, there are many monkeys...

Look! Deers again...

One of my favourite animals is the bear...

But what I really wanted to see was the elephant!!!

Finally, I saw the elephants. It was almost at the end of the route...

Waaah, the elephants are so big! Can we have a closer look?

Despite the weather and the mosquitoes, I think I enjoyed this trip more than the one to the National Zoo (when I was about 14 months old) because I am older now and I can appreciate and identify the animals better. I'm sure we'll visit the zoo again. Maybe I'll get to go on an elephant ride the next time...