Friday, August 19, 2011

Tears in School Again

This week has been quite a challenging week for Mommy.  Every morning, except Monday and Wednesday (a public holiday), I would cry and not let Mommy leave me in school.  It has taken between 20 to 45 minutes of persuasion (and patience!) before I would go in to my class...

Why?  I told Mommy "I don't like school anymore" or "I want Benjamin" but he has been absent on Monday and Tuesday.  Yesterday and this morning, I told Mommy it's because "I am very tired".  It's true.  I haven't been sleeping well.  I have been coughing a lot at night only, usually around 4am to 6am.  I have this cough for 3 weeks now.  Finished all the medicine Dr.C gave and still have not recovered.  I had this cough before.  Like the last time (early this year), this cough would probably take a long time to go away... 100 days cough?

Besides the cough, I really miss my Daddy too.  He is in the Netherlands this week.  Every day, especially at night, I would ask Mommy "Why Daddy take so long to come back?  Why is he so late?"  I miss the reading and iPad playtime with him...

Hopefully my mood will be better next week.  It's very heartbreaking for Mommy to see my tears instead of my happy smiles when she leaves me in school...