Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fractured My Left Wrist

Mommy and I went out this morning. We were at a shop and I was pulling at Mommy's hand as she tried to hold me close. Suddenly, Mommy felt something go 'pop' at my wrist. Then, I started to complain "Pain, pain" and cried. I held my left wrist with my right hand and continued to cry and cry. So Mommy quickly took me to the nearest hospital where I had a cast put on. Read the full report at Mommy's blog here.

In the hospital room, eating an egg and cheese sandwich...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Flying Skateboard

Recently, there is a cute advertisement on Astro and I like the part when a girl said that she wants to make a flying skateboard. I will imitate her action of a flying skateboard like this (see video)...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nose Wet Wet?

Although I told Mommy yesterday "Nose wet wet" and used a handkerchief to wipe it, I didn't have a cold anymore. (Two days ago, I had a cold). I am all okay already...

Shopping @ Sunway

Mommy and Daddy have not taken me out shopping in a long while...

Shopping is pretty interesting when I am allowed to walk freely...

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Favourite Little Chair

Recently, I grew very fond of my good old little chair...

How You Should Not Eat

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tailored With Love

Daddy brought home a dress and a skirt which Mah-mah has sewn for me. When I saw them, I immediately said "jiok jiok!!", I wanted to wear them. So Mommy put them on for me and I modelled for her to snap a few photos...

In my pretty pink dress...
In my lovely white skirt...

Praying Before Meals

Mommy has been trying to teach me the importance of prayer. Whenever she says "Prayer time", I will claps my hands like this...

After the prayer, I would say "Amen"...

I Am Sick Again

Just two weeks I had a sore throat and fever. Yesterday I caught a cold and had a slight temperature of 37.4'C.

I couldn't sleep well at all last night as my nose was constantly blocked. I woke Daddy and Mommy up at about 1:30 am this morning and cried every 15 minutes before I could finally sleep well at about 5 am. The nasal spray Mommy put for me must have eventually helped after it was administered twice. Also, sleeping upright against Mommy's bosom also helped...

Despite poor or lack of sleep, I still woke up at about 7:45 am and was full of energy running here and there playing... However, I had an earlier than usual nap at about 1 pm today (my usual nap is at about 3pm). Whilst Mommy was watching TV, I went to a corner with Bobo, cover myself with a blanket (something I don't usually do) and napped like this...

Later when I woke up, I quietly sat on the sofa and watched TV which was still on whilst Mommy was upstairs. This is unusual because I would normally call out to Mommy when I am awake...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't Let The Bugs Bite

Arrrgh!!! A mossie bit me just under my left foot. It is so itchy and I couldn't sleep well last night as a result. Mommy tried to put some ointment which my pediatrician had given previously. However, it did not provide immediate relief. So poor Mommy had to scratch and rub my foot all night (from 4:30 am till 6 am) before I finally went back to sleep soundly again...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Repeating after Daddy, I can say or try to say the numbers from 1 to 10 in different languages or dialects...

1. English

2. Cantonese.

3. Mandarin. (I dunno why I was so tickled when Daddy said 1 in mandarin):

4. Tamil.

Monday, July 20, 2009

What is the Frangipani Tree?

Hey, Mommy... what happened to the frangipani tree?

Oooh, Mommy had it chopped down last Saturday. Poor tree. Apparently, it was planted to close to the house. It was getting too big and the roots were threatening to break the tiles at the patio. Also, everyday dry leaves and flowers fall to the ground... making a mess in the garden and also that of our neighbours'. However, Mommy did save two branches to plant in pots.

Mommy, I know it is very sai-sai (sunny) now but may I go outside and play?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What's In The Pail?

1. Me!

2. Happy (my sheep)...

Mommy, I take Happy go gai-gai ok?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Point and Tell

Previously, Daddy and Mommy would ask me the "where" questions. For example, they would ask "Where is the flower?" and I would point to the flower. Then, they started to ask me the "what" questions. When they point to a picture and ask "What is this?", I have to tell them what it is...

Here's a video of me pointing and telling them what I am pointing to. Mommy likes to hear me say "Eeyore" and wanted to catch it on video too, but I let out a big sigh instead because... haiyaa, I was trying to look at the next page and she was annoying me...

Saying "Sayang"

Just for the record, I can say "Sayang"...


Boo!! Guess who?!!

It's me!!!


I like playing peek-a-boo very much...

Sponge Cake

One of our neighbours baked us a really nice sponge cake today. Mommy gave me a piece and I finished it up!

A few days earlier, we were taking a short morning walk at the back lane (in the shadows) when she smiled at us from her kitchen window. Soon, we were invited in and instantly became friends. She has 4 kids including a set of twins, ages from 14 months to 5 years old. I was at first shy but was eager to make friends with them. When it was time to leave, I didn't want to go...

Nana Banana

I love to eat "nana" (banana). After having one, I usually ask for another one...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Lotion

I still have a lot of baby lotion in stock. The only time I use it now is for play. I like it when Mommy put it on my arms or legs in little blobs like this...

As she puts tiny blobs on my arms, she will count 1, 2, 3... and I will try counting too... usually I would say the numbers 2 and 3 and sometimes 4 only...

Storybook Rhymes

Mommy bought me this from Tesco at a reduced price of RM23.97 (Original price is RM79.90)...

At first I was very interested in it. I like pressing the buttons and listening to the songs. But suddenly, I simply disliked it. Mommy has to put it away or else, I will cry. Mommy cannot understand why....

Best Telephone Conversation

Finally, Mommy came to pick me up in the evening. She is much better already. We had the best telephone conversation earlier this morning... so she said. I think it is the first time I 'chat' with Mommy on the phone. She was so happy to hear my voice as I babbled on...

Anyway, look at what I did today...

Yes, I did this... on Ku-Cheh's car... hehehe...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mommy Is Sick

Last week, I was sick. Now, it's Mommy's turn. She has a bad sorethroat and a cold. I have to stay over at Mah-mah's today so I don't catch the bug again...

Monday, July 13, 2009

I Am So Vain!

Previously, I would not let Mommy tie my hair up... but she kept telling me that it is "leng leng" (pretty) to tie it up. One day, after simply tying my hair up, she put me in front of the mirror and said "See, leng leng". I looked and looked... pulled at my pony tail and smiled...

Now, I would sometimes ask Mommy to tie my hair up, saying "pong leng leng" (tie up pretty) and then insist to "jiu keng" (see myself in the mirror). Oh dear, I am so vain!!