Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Time with Mommy

Mommy started work yesterday. She missed me so much that when we got home yesterday and today, she wanted to play with me the whole night. I was a bit sleepy but still enjoyed her attention. She would wave my hands about whilst I sat on her lap listening to a familiar tune, which went like this: "Sing, sing, sing a song... Sing a song, sing a song... Sing, sing, sing a song... Sing, sing, sing..."

Daddy would also sing the "If you are happy and you know it" song. Then, we would clap our hands, stamp our feet and shout 'Hurray!' It was so fun...

Yummy Hands

I have been checking out my hands and fingers. I find them fascinating. Sometimes, I would put them in my mouth to see what they taste like...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chubby Cheeks

Great Grandma at Grandpa's

Today I had the priviledge of meeting Ah-Tai at Ah-Gung's house...

Hmmm... this car seat which Ah-Gung gave me is much more comfortable than the one Daddy and Mommy bought.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Can't Sit Still

Sitting next to Daddy! Actually, I cannot sit without support yet. So, I was in an awkward position...

In Dreamland

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Meeting Tai-Mah

It was my first time meeting Tai-Mah (Yeh-yeh's mom). This year, she is 101 years old. I felt honoured to meet her. She was very happy to see me too...

Hands Up

I sleep like this. See picture below (taken at Tai-Mah's house). If you put my arms down, they will automatically go up again...

Wherever you go, Whatever you do

Mommy pushes the stroller with me in it around the house. Wherever she goes, I go too... so that she can do whatever she wants while I sit quietly and watch her. Otherwise, I will let out a cry for attention whenever I do not see her and she will have to come running to me from wherever she was...

Here are more photos of me sitting quietly in the stroller, watching Mommy hang up the clothes at the laundry area one fine day...

Many Faces (2)

Alarm Clock

Watch the video to see and hear how I wake Mommy and Daddy up every morning...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Active Baby (1)